Do Your Part

What TfCS is Doing

Just to Be Clear

Tools for Clear Speech’s program podcast, Just to Be Clear, aims to educate a wide audience on issues of language, accent, and identity, as well as share stories from Baruch’s non-native English-speaking students.

Accentedness and the Ethics of Listening

This TfCS workshop showcases research-based insights that demonstrate how challenging underlying biases about non-native accents can enhance comprehension, encourage empathy, foster meaningful intercultural communication, and ultimately build a more ethical and inclusive academic community​.

What You Can Do

Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself. Baruch’s Counseling Center has guides on Coping with Trauma and Self-Care Techniques.

Bystander Intervention Training

Sign up for a free, one-hour training on bystander intervention from Hollaback! so that you feel more confident intervening when you see Anti-Asian harassment online or in person.

Do some reading


SafeWalks connects volunteers with city residents who feel unsafe walking to and from the subway. You can request a safewalk or volunteer on their website.

Protect Chinatown

Protect Chinatown was created to fight against Anti-Asian violence. You can volunteer to be a chaperone or request a chaperone for yourself or someone else on their website.


Educate yourself on the VirulentHate website. This project reports on trends in anti-Asian racism and violence, as well as Asian-American activism.

Working Definition of Allyship Handout

This resource from the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence provides a comprehensive overview of the notion of “allyship:” what it is, and what it isn’t.